Prepaid cards

Written by Andrew Freelander
Published on 23rd August 2022
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What is a prepaid card

A prepaid card can be loaded with a set amount of your own cash. This is not a form of borrowing. Each card is different and may charge fees for setting up the card or a small monthly fee for using it so be sure to check this first before taking out any card. You can compare cards by looking at our Prepaid cards comparison table.

Why should I get a prepaid card?

Prepaid cards are an easy way to manage your money and stay in control of spending. You’ll only have access to the amount that’s been loaded onto the card and you won’t be able to spend any more than that which means you won’t be able to overspend.

Andrew Freelander
Written by
Andrew Freelander
Take Control Author at Choose Wisely

Andrew joined Choose Wisely 5 years ago, originally working in a design capacity to make sure the website was simple to use. Most notably he worked with the Consumer Finance Association to design the comparison table of choice for High-Cost Short Term Finance products.